Ontario’s Millennial, First-Time Buyers Want Detached, Semi, And Townhomes

March 5, 2020
Province needs to build more “missing middle” housing to keep up with demand
TORONTO, ON – Ontario’s millennial and first-time home buyers are largely looking for detached and semi-detached primary homes – and not condos, according to new research conducted by Ipsos for the Ontario Real Estate Association’s first annual ‘Buyers and Sellers Research Report’.
Among the 19% of all Ontarians looking to buy a home within the next year, the vast majority (84%) are looking for detached, semi-detached, or town homes. This is particularly true with millennials (83%) and first-time home buyers (83%). In fact, 51% of first-time buyers say they are looking for a detached home, while 22% say they are looking for a townhouse.
“We know that in Ontario, there is simply not enough supply to meet demand, which often leads to multiple offers and higher home sale prices,” said OREA President Sean Morrison. “In order to keep the dream of home ownership alive for future generations, we need to make it easier for young families and first-time buyers to own a home. Ontario needs to address the missing middle of housing supply by exploring innovative solutions like laneway housing and multi-unit homes, such as townhouses, stacked flats or mid-rise buildings, especially in downtown and urban areas.”
When it comes to location, millennials are more likely than boomers to be looking at downtown or urban cores (31%) or suburban areas (35%), with an emphasis placed on affordability, safe and quality neighbourhoods and distance from work.
By contrast, the majority of Ontario’s boomer buyers – 58% – are looking for a property either in a small town or rural area, and their focus is on finding a home that is affordable, close to amenities, walkable, and senior-friendly.
Not surprisingly, the number-one reason for boomers to be selling their property is due to a desire to downsize (37%) followed by age or health reasons (18%). They are also more likely to buy a low-rise condo than any other generation, with 10% of boomers saying they’re hunting for something under five stories, versus 6% of buyers province wide.
About the survey
An online survey of Ontario residents aged 18+ was conducted between January 27th and February 6th, 2020 through the Ipsos I-Say panel. Opinions were gathered from 1,420 Ontario residents. The total number of participants was weighted according to Statistics Canada census data by gender, age and region to reflect the actual distribution of Ontarians. The polling is considered accurate to within +/- 3.3% for buyers and +/- 3.5% for sellers, 19 times out of 20.
Source: https://www.orea.com/News-and-Events/News-and-Press-Releases/Press-Releases/March-05-2020